A smarter academic year

September 20, 2021

The Young Academy compared the Dutch academic year with other countries and is making concrete recommendations for improvement.

The Young Academy

2021 | 22 pages | Dutch and English available | free

We find that students and instructors in the Netherlands often consider the academic year to be extremely long. For academic staff, this means that all their core duties demand their attention concurrently almost throughout the year, leading to inefficiency and a further worsening of the already enormous pressure of work.

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020 551 0867


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De Jonge Akademie zet zich in voor de toekomst van de wetenschap: ze draagt de waarde van wetenschap uit en verbetert het wetenschapssysteem. Dit platform van vijftig bevlogen academici onderzoekt, adviseert, verspreidt kennis en brengt mensen bij elkaar. Dit alles met oog en oor voor jonge wetenschappers.

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