Flying high but flying less

The flight behaviour of academics is being perceived more and more as problematic. Before COVID-19, academics are flying around the world more than ever for conferences, on-site research and fellowships.

As a result, a sustainable science seems a distant prospect. The Young Academy has investigated how big the problem really is, what measures Dutch universities are taking to reduce emissions from flying, and how effective these actually are. 


The results of this study were published in the report Flying high but flying less. An overview study of Dutch university policies to reduce carbon emissions from research related air travel (in English, with Dutch summary).

Read the report


In 2020 The Young Academy organised the webinar 'Flying less in academia - Towards a carbon-neutral academic climate'.




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020 551 0867

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De Jonge Akademie zet zich in voor de toekomst van de wetenschap: ze draagt de waarde van wetenschap uit en verbetert het wetenschapssysteem. Dit platform van vijftig bevlogen academici onderzoekt, adviseert, verspreidt kennis en brengt mensen bij elkaar. Dit alles met oog en oor voor jonge wetenschappers.

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