Expedition Mundus is a fun educational game that familiarises pupils with scientific research. In this game 'science' refers not only to the natural sciences, but also to the humanities and the social sciences. The game is intended for primary and secundary shool pupils, aged 8 and up. Mundus shows pupils that science is not about ’knowing a lot’, but rather about curiosity, creativity and logical thinking. That makes Expedition Mundus the perfect starting point for inquiry-based learning. 
What is Expedition Mundus?
The game starts with a story about three scientists who discover the planet Mundus and get to know its inhabitants, the Mundians. The pupils then get to work trying to answer all sorts of questions about Mundus by investigating pictures, texts and other sources. In other words, they go on a class expedition.
The scientists explore the planet. What is the force of gravity there, and does the planet have seasons? Is the local wildlife dangerous? What is the language of the inhabitants like? And what do those yellow triangles mean? Expedition Mundus is an exciting game with cards with research questions for students to explore an unknown planet. They have to gather information, exchange data and publish results. In short: they have to work like a team of scientists. The game is suitable for all subjects. Students will get introduced to the essence of science in a playful way during one school hour. You can find and download the English version of the game on this page.
Translating Mundus and professional printing
Mundus has been published in several languages: Dutch (2011), English (2014), German (2015), Swedish (2017), Hebrew (2018), Arabic (2018), Indonesian (2018), Japanese (2021) and Finnish (2023). More information can be found on the website of the Global Young Academy.
Translations into additional languages are encouraged:
- Please apply for a license to translate Mundus in your own language. The license is free of charge. For more information on conditions for translating Expedition Mundus consult the Juridical Guidelines. For translation guidelines see Expedition 'Translating Mundus'.
- For all professional printing, based on new translations and/or available translations, a small fee is due (max. 5% of printing costs). Making a single copy for orientation or playing the game at a school is allowed, also see Juridical Guidelines.