Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting
Artemisia Gentileschi c.1638-9
Royal Collection Trust
Participation is free, but registration is necessary. Please register through this link.
Each lecture will last 20 minutes, with an additional 5 minutes for Q&A.
- 18.30 – 19.00: Walk in
- 19.00 – 19.10: Introduction by Eddie Brummelman
- 19.10 – 19.35: Andrei Cimpian – The Brilliance Barrier: Stereotypes about Brilliance Are an Obstacle to Diversity in Science and Beyond
- 19.35 – 20.00: Eftychia Stamkou – From Fiction to Reality: Tracing Gender Bias From Cinematic Screens to Painted Canvases
- 20.00 – 20.10: Break
- 20.10 – 20.35: Anthony Heidweiller – Opportunistic Inclusive Policy
- 20.35 – 21.00: Judi Mesman – Who’s Asking? Questioning Hegemonic Norms in Academia
- 21.00 - 22.00: Drinks
Brief bio:
- Andrei Cimpian is Professor in the Department of Psychology at New York University. His research investigates motivation and academic achievement, with a particular focus on how gender, racial/ethnic, and social class stereotypes shape educational outcomes.
- Eftychia Stamkou is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Amsterdam. She studies how people respond to art that challenges widely shared norms and how sociocultural factors influence the suppression of deviant art content.
- Anthony Heidweiller is a renowned figure in the arts. As artistic director of Yo! Opera Festival and Vocal Statements, he has excelled in diverse audience engagement and bridging the gap between the performing arts and multi-cultural society. He is a member of the Society of Arts.
- Judi Mesman is a Leiden University professor and studies prejudice and inequalities in family and education related to race, gender, and sexuality. Her book "Opgroeien in Kleur" addresses anti-racist parenting. She is a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
- Eddie Brummelman is an Associate Professor at the University of Amsterdam, where he leads KiDLAB, and a board member of The Young Academy, where he leads “Niet de Eerste de Beste” (on first-generation scientists) and Lil’Scientist.
This symposium will take place at the Trippenhuis, Amsterdam on 8 November 2023. Please use this link to register for this symposium.