Earlier this year, the Young Academy declared the 'Everyone Professor!' Year. The Young Academy hopes that concrete steps will be taken within universities this year towards 'Everyone Professor!'. We want to take the lead in this: now is the time to have this conversation within the Dutch academic community and to turn it into actions. The Young Academy invites all interested parties to engage in a debate under the leadership of Ineke Sluiter during the 'Everyone Professor!' symposium on 1 February 2024 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM in Amsterdam.
During this gathering, we aim to gain more insight into the various perspectives regarding 'Everyone Professor!'. By engaging in this debate, we hope to reach more consensus on the matter. Our goal is to promote 'Everyone Professor!' in the Dutch academic world and ensure that young university (assistant) professors can gain more autonomy and independence, becoming less dependent on full professors.
The symposium will conclude with a gathering where drinks are served.
You can register for the event through this link.
Panel members
- Joost Frenken, Professor and Dean Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Groningen
- Henk Kummeling, Rector Magnificus, Utrecht University
- Marjolijn Antheunis, Professor Communication and Technology and Vice Dean for research of Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences, Tilburg University
- Ioana Ilie, assistent professor, Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences / University of Amsterdam
Attend online
It's also possible to attend the Symposium online. It's possible to ask questions. You can register via the registration form.