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The Young Academy amends its selection regulations

March 10, 2022

The Young Academy has amended a number of provisions in its Regulations related to the selection of new members and nominating parties.

In het Nederlands

One of the most important amendments is that future new members must have a good passive command of the Dutch language. Previously, the regulations required an active command of Dutch. From now on, The Young Academy will also welcome candidates from the Caribbean part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Read about the amendments here:

  • Researchers from throughout the Kingdom of the Netherlands, including the Caribbean part of the Kingdom, may be appointed as members of The Young Academy.
  • Directors of any institute covered by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) Grant Rules may nominate candidates for The Young Academy. This means that Naturalis and other scientific institutes throughout the Kingdom of the Netherlands may also nominate candidates.
  • The number of nominations accepted from rectors and domain boards has been modified. The change was made because the large number of nominations submitted for several years running had resulted in a low success rate.
  • New members must have a good passive command of the Dutch language. This means that they must be able to understand texts and conversations at an academic level in Dutch. Members attending Young Academy meetings may address the meeting in a language other than Dutch as long as the other attendees understand that language. Dutch generally serves as the working language within The Young Academy. It is the responsibility of the selection committee to ensure command of the Dutch language among the members.


  • The Young Academy considers it very important that nominations should be diverse in terms of discipline, background, career, employing university or institute, etc.  
  • It has now been stated explicitly that everyone is welcome at The Young Academy, regardless of gender identity.

The new versions of the Regulations can be found here on The Young Academy website.

For questions and comments, please contact Cas Henckens, dja@knaw.nl.



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