Ingrid Leijten

Ingrid Leijten positions her research on the (changing) role and significance of fundamental rights in the context of broader constitutional law and rule of law issues.

In Dutch

What is the situation as regards the separation of powers and the representation of citizens and their interests; what is the significance of the Constitution for citizens and in public debate? She examines both classic fundamental rights – such as freedom of expression and the right to privacy – and social rights, such as the right to social security or health. By drawing on insights from the theory and practice of protection of fundamental rights in the Netherlands and beyond, she seeks to contribute to discussion of the legitimacy of government and trust in government. As a member of The Young Academy, one of her aims will be to work on communicating research findings that can increase awareness of the rule of law.

Personal website  Research/publications


Prof. dr.





Main position

Professor at Tilburg University 



Dutch and European constitutional law 


Member since



Connected to

Tilburg University, Tilburg Law School, Department of Public Law and Governance



Ingrid Leijten - The Young Academy



De Jonge Akademie
020 551 0867

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