What needs to be done?

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A roadmap for progressing from the idea to actual implementation for Everyone Professor!

In Dutch

  1. Talk about “Everyone Professor!” with one another, with your faculty and university boards, and with the Doctorates Board [College van Promoties]. Explain what “Everyone Professor!” actually means. In response to every “no” (or “yes, but........”‘), ask “why not?” You can send objections and suggestions  to dja@knaw.nl. We will use them to update the list of  “yes, but” and the points requiring action.
  2. Identify regulations and procedures within which the position of hoogleraar is a requirement and assess whether that requirement is appropriate. Check whether it’s only substantive expertise that is required, or whether it’s indeed desirable for someone with more “job weight” to fill the position. Let dja@knaw.nl know which documents are concerned. We would like to compile a list of these documents so that other universities can also check them. We will start by putting the Higher Education and Research Act on the list.
  3. Request that the university’s doctorate regulations be amended. This includes who can act as the main supervisor, who can be on the doctorate committee and form an opinion on the quality of the dissertation, the cum laude arrangements, the composition of the dissertation-assessment committee and the group of “opponents” to the dissertation. N.B.: After the introduction of “Everyone Professor!” the position of assistant supervisor will be reserved for a post-doc, a ud with too little experience for ius promovendi or a staff researcher not in a ud, uhd or hoogleraar position. In addition, it will also always be possible to add a third supervisor.
  4. Within your faculty/ graduate school, discuss what the appropriate criteria are for being assigned the ius promovendi, with that being dependent on experience and expertise rather than one’s job profile.
  5. Within your faculty/graduate school, discuss how the quality of PhD supervision can be guaranteed. Consider a “licence to supervise” for everyone with the ius promovendi; like a pilot’s licence; this will need to be renewed regularly. Of course, this will also improve the current situation.
  6. Make use of this opportunity to revise the UFO profiles and design them more broadly according to the Recognition and Rewards programme.
  7. Above all, let us know if the idea is enthusiastically or sympathetically received. Send an e-mail to dja@knaw.nl.

Project page Everyone Professor!


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