Board and committees

The members of The Young Academy elect a board from their ranks. The board facilitates members’ ideas and coordinates their activities. It is also the first point of contact for external parties and for the Royal Academy. The Young Academy’s board is accountable to the general meeting of members of The Young Academy and to the Royal Academy’s board. 

The chair is responsible for coordination and general matters and is the technical chair of the Selection Committee. The board also has a deputy chairperson. The remaining board members serve as liaisons for specific themes and for the permanent and temporary committees.

Board members as of April 2024

  • Eddie Brummelman (chairperson, technical chairperson of Selection Committee, coordination and general matters) 
  • Léonie de Jonge (vice-chairperson, coordination and general matters, science policy and chair of The Young Academy Grants Committee)
  • Sanli Faez 
  • Noel de Miranda (Internationalisation)
  • Else Starkenburg 

Permanent and temporary committees

The Young Academy has two permanent committees: the Selection Committee and The Young Academy Grants Committee. The purpose of The Young Academy project grants is to allow members to work together to develop plans and ideas that complement the objectives of The Young Academy. There are also temporary committees that are tied to specific activities.

In addition to committees, The Young Academy also has five themes serving as organising principles for its activities. Members may also organise and carry out activities in smaller project groups and working groups, for example by making use of the project grants available to them. 


De Jonge Akademie
020 551 0867

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De Jonge Akademie zet zich in voor de toekomst van de wetenschap: ze draagt de waarde van wetenschap uit en verbetert het wetenschapssysteem. Dit platform van vijftig bevlogen academici onderzoekt, adviseert, verspreidt kennis en brengt mensen bij elkaar. Dit alles met oog en oor voor jonge wetenschappers.

Meer over De Jonge Akademie  > 


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